So. Here we are in 2010 and it's nearly a whole year since posting anything on this blog! Not that we haven't been busy - quite the contrary. And there is a Facebook page for Llynfi - Llynfi Textiles - that has photos and news on it too.
The madder experiments were really interesting and I have a beautiful range of real reds, russets, chestnut browns and pinks to draw on. Will post photos on here just as soon as there's a chance!
Meantime - last weekend was Wonderwool Wales and we exhibited with our friend Juliet Morris, who farms at Ystrad in Carmarthenshire. She produces lovely wool from her flock of white and rare black Wensleydales, and Hill Radnors. It was fun weekend and to cap it all we got awarded '2nd' rosette for our stand. Which was especially lovely as we didn't know there was any judging going on. Here it is:

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