Monday, 18 March 2013

Organic Wool Project - the Designers

All the fabric has been sent, hopefully everyone's busy and we're looking forward to seeing the results! I thought you might like to check out who's who so here's a list of our contributors and links to more info about them where this is available. (Those in bold are Welsh based).

Andrea de Costa:
Andrea is adding bark and making up accessories; this sounds a really interesting design idea!

Anja has done a lot of work experimenting with natural dyes and will be bringing this into play with her jacket.

Anna is applying carefully considered pattern cutting to make full use of the fabric for a child's jacket

Camille Jacquemart
Camille is drawing inspiration from St Fagan's, the Welsh Museum of Rural Life for her overshirt; she has spent the past year travelling and working in Wales with farmers and processors to learn all about wool.

Ellie will be combining the two weaves into a corset, working on her 'off grid' farm in Yorkshire

Emma Burgess, Suzi Park, Claire Baumfield (collaboration): 
This is an exciting combination of skills to produce a man's shirt: menswear design, natural dyes and felting and embroidery.

Hannah J Scott:
A screen printer, Hannah will be producing a blanket size piece for the Project

Hannah Auerbach George
Hannah will be applying her knowledge of how wool is good for babies, with her very sweet sleeping bag.

Helen is also a handspinner and will be adding her handspun yarns to cushions

Jacqueline lives and works near Aberaeron, stitching and felting, and teaches textile crafts

Leonie is a costume designer and has a very cool hoodie for us

Lorraine Pocklington:
Lorraine makes beautiful felted hats and other wearables; she'll be adding leather to her production for something different!

Lou Tonkin
Lou is an illustrator with a huge passion for wool and she'll be applying her skills by needlefelting onto a dress. Take a look at her website to see her beautiful work.

Lou makes rather lovely contemporary furniture - looking forward to seeing the end result here!

Mick is the 'guerilla upholsterer' - check out his blog for some pics! He'll be using the fabric to update a 60's chair.

Now Rosie has something completely different for us! Bear in mind that her forte is beachwear and lingerie....

Robbie Higney Paterson:
Robbie hails from Glasgow and is an expert pattern cutter, very much looking forward to this design: you can see some images on the Organic Wool Project Facebook page :

Rose and Ruth are getting together to design and make a rather special pair of boots

Will be posting updates this week, so keep up to date on this blog and with these links:

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