Tuesday, 3 March 2015


It's March! Just when you were thinking how it's been dark for toooo long, and that everything was still sleeping.....you notice a little crocus, the catkins seem longer, the birds are singing just a bit more cheerily. And you remember the seed order you still haven't settled on. What colour sweetpeas this year......??
I'm waiting on a delivery of colours from Jamiesons of Shetland, so I can knit up some new jumpers in time for Wonderwool Wales at the end of next month. I've been taking inspiration from tweedy weave drafts for pattern, and colours from the shorelines along our part of Cardigan Bay.

While awaiting arrival of the big yarn cones, I have plenty of sample balls to knit up into some Springshiney hand warming mitts, to guard against the chilly March winds! Not on the website yet, but some will be in The Old Electric Shop in Hay on Wye at the weekend. Or message me! sue@llynfitextiles.co.uk

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